There are several ways to query order information. After you key in your search criteria, eVista will retrieve all orders that match the criteria specified.
The most common queries consist of either entering the Vertical Order Number or your specific assigned Customer Order Number and clicking Search.
If you are looking for a Specific Order:
- Key in Vertical Order Number in Order Number field or your tracking number in the Customer Section; key in your order tracking number in Customer Order Number field.
- Select Company Code
- Click Search
If you are looking for all Open Orders:
- Select Company Code
- Check the “Opened” checkbox in the Workflow field.
If you are looking for a Range of Orders:
- In Date Range Section – Select a Date Type (most common are “To Ship Date” or “Shipped Date”)
- Select a Quick Selection Range from Drop Down List Box (Today, Yesterday, Current Week, Previous Week, Current Month, etc.)
- Click Search