
How to Put Product on Hold or Release Holds

Putting product on hold or taken off hold starts in the INVENTORY BALANCES section of the customer portal.

1. Start with Selecting the Hold code of want to put product on hold or on hold by selecting the 3 dots. Below are the standard Vertical Cold Storage hold codes that are available in the customer portal.  Note: This is not the entire list of hold codes there are other hold codes available to the warehouse that maybe be also used.

2. Next choose radial for ‘Put On HOLD’ or ‘Take off Hold’

3. Next Choose Inventory to change the hold status. This can be done by entering in the ITEM CODE or Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4.

NOTE:  All product in the warehouse is tracked by 4 inventory attributes:

Item    = Product Code

Level 2 = Rotation Date (Production Date, Expiration Date, Sell by, Etc)

Level 3 = Normally a customer lot # or some other customer specified identifier

Level 4 = Unique Identifier or Pallet ID

If only the ITEM CODE is selected with ‘PUT ON HOLD’, a pick list will be displayed with everything in inventory with a pick list
Alternately, enter in the Customer Number (Level 3) or Pallet ID (Level 4) and that will filter the pick list.

4. After inventory is “filtered”, then select Choose ‘SEARCH’

5. A pick list will be displayed, place a check mark into each inventory record to put on HOLD or TAKE off Hold



6. Next Choose ‘OK’ to verify the selected product to be placed on hold(s) or remove hold(s).

7. Verify Hold was Released. This can be validated by looking at the UNITS and WEIGHT report showing QTY & Weight that hold was changed.   If UNITS & WEIGHT equal ‘NULL’ the hold move was unsuccessful.

Additional Notes:

  • If inventory is already on hold it will not be allowed to be put on another hold. Product must be taken off hold prior to putting on a different hold.
  • If part of a pallet (unique identifier) is currently on hold, only the portion of the pallet not on hold will be put on hold.
  • Putting a check mark into header will select all records.
  • Any issues with holds please communicate will the warehouse CSR staff directly to resolve.
  • Product currently being received or product on order will allow to be put on hold.


Vertical Cold Storage provides the hold release or put on hold functionality as a convenience for Vertical Cold customers, there are many scenarios were putting inventory on or off hold can fail.  Failure scenarios can include product still being received, product in the process of allocating or on an active order.  For this reason, Vertical Cold Storage cannot be responsible for any hold that fails to come on or off. It is the responsibility of the user to check that the hold changes were successful.